When you or a loved one is living with a chronic disease, being dragged down by negativity and getting into ruts may seem like a daily occasion. While your condition may make it difficult for you to see your life as “normal,” we want to provide you with ways to uphold your quality of life and make the most of each day.
Write Down Your Thoughts
Keeping a journal is not only a great way to keep track of your progress, but you can also get all your thoughts down on paper. One great habit to start is keeping a gratitude journal and writing things you’re thankful for each day. This is helpful because you’re being reminded of all the positives in your life which can keep you in a good mental state.
Find a Good Support System
This is important for patients of any age, but pediatric patients will especially benefit from a good support system. A support system can include parents, siblings, children, friends and other loved ones as well as those dealing with the same disease. For example, if your child is suffering from ALS, finding other children with ALS for them to play with will help them feel accepted and “normal” which is important for young kids.
Form New Healthy Habits
Eating healthy and working out are important habits for everyone to incorporate into their daily lives. What you can do in terms of exercise depends on your specific situation, but any kind of movement is better than none. Go on a short walk, follow along with a workout video online or simply take 20 minutes to stretch. Fueling yourself with healthy food makes your body feel better overall, so remember to include those fruits and vegetables!
Do Something You Love Each Day
Whether you’re passionate about painting, reading, writing, cooking, gaming or other fun hobbies, make time for those things. Doing something you love for a short time each day will help clear your mind and bring you joy.
Know What to Expect
Sometimes the unknown can cause a lot of fear and anxiety in the mind of individuals suffering from a chronic disease. It’s important that you know what to expect with your disease so the changes that take place aren’t as scary. Loved ones should also know these things so they can feel more at peace and prepared for the future. Talk to your doctor and have a conversation about what to expect, both short-term and long-term, with the disease you’re dealing with.
These small, positive changes can make a big difference in your everyday life. Whether you have a loved one dealing with a chronic illness or you’re the one suffering, staying positive and encouraging one another is the first step to upholding your quality of life. We believe in you!